Argo Marine was founded in 2008, the experience gained by its founder and creator, Dario Messina, in building techniques and construction of fiberglass boats for the Ferretti Group and exercising of service activities at the prestigious brands: Pershing, Riva, Custom Line, Itama and Ferretti Yachts. The company’s expertise has also been developed with the collaboration of other sites such as San Lorenzo and Azimut.

The work areas include:

  • Fiberglass
  • Windshield Replacement
    Installing windows and portholes
  • Carpentry
  • Electrical systems
  • Plumbing
  • Steel-aluminums
  • Movements – walkways

Nowday we treat, in an exclusive manner, the production of a number of lines and shuttles yachts, Ferretti excellence of the tips. Adopting the guidelines of the parent that link to elegance, innovation and exclusivity of luxury boats, the philosophy that has always characterized our work is the attention to the quality of details that allows you to enhance the identity of the craft products.

We operate on the Italian territory at the three main production sites of the Ferretti: La Spezia, Mondolfo and Ancona.

Argo Marine has for years Service Point for Besenzoni spa , this has allowed us to acquire extreme specialization on hydraulic and electronic interventions related to the world of handling and automatic walkways, davits, ladders, chairs, doors and windows, table bases, balcony and movements, roofs and sun.

Thanks to a team of expert collaborators and decisive, we can provide a service of excellence providing 24 hour assistance through 24 away games in Italy and abroad (Europe, Asia and America) and running ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.